Swoosh People Search

Quickly Search for People in your organization. Find all the contact information instantly and see how they fit into your organizational chart with graphical zoom in and out to unlimited number of nodes.

  • Search across people in your organisation using SharePoint People Search, Azure AD or a SharePoint List
  • Drag and zoom to pan around your chart and collapse or expand individual reporting lines.
  • On hover, display basic contact details which expands to display all details after a short delay.
  • Search and easily see where people fit in your organisation.
  • Search People by their Roles.
  • Edit your organisational structure in place using Microsoft Graph.
  • Sync your structure to SharePoint list to allow editing without the need for AD or Graph permissions.
  • Caching provides ultra-fast search response times for large organisations.
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People Search?
Register to trial and install Swoosh People Search, as well as the entire Suite of Swoosh Apps that fill the Gaps.